! The next six years were up-and-down for the Braves the 1960 season featured two no-hitters by Burdette and Spahn and Milwaukee finished seven games behind the Pittsburgh Pirates who ultimately were to win the World Series that year in second place one year after the Braves were on the winning end of the 13-inning near-perfect game of Pirates pitcher Harvey Haddix the 1961 season saw a drop in the standings for the Braves down to fourth despite Spahn recording his 300th victory and pitching another no-hitter that year. 37 Ron Washington (third base), 1.4 Soccer In 1916 98% of all commercial intercity travelers in the United States moved by rail and the remaining 2% moved by inland waterways Nearly 42 million passengers used railways as primary transportation Passenger trains were owned and operated by the same privately owned companies that operated freight trains As the 20th century progressed patronage declined in the face of competition from buses air travel and the automobile New streamlined diesel-powered trains such as the Pioneer Zephyr were popular with the traveling public but could not reverse the trend by 1940 railroads held just 67 percent of commercial passenger-miles in the United States in real terms passenger-miles had fallen by 40% since 1916 from 42 billion to 25 billion. Georgia is the state with the third-lowest percentage of older people (65 or older) at 12.8 percent (as of 2015), Historically Atlanta has been a stronghold for the Democratic Party Although municipal elections are officially nonpartisan nearly all of the city's elected officials are registered Democrats the city is split among 14 state house districts and four state senate districts all held by Democrats At the federal level Atlanta is split between two congressional districts Most of the city is in the 5th district represented by Democrat John Lewis a small portion in the north is in the 11th district represented by Republican Barry Loudermilk, Location in Georgia (MSA counties in Red). .
The Atlanta Falcons have played in Atlanta since their inception in 1966 the Falcons have won the division title six times (1980 1998 2004 2010 2012 2016) and the NFC championship twice in 1998 and 2016 However they have been unsuccessful in both of their Super Bowl trips so far losing to the Denver Broncos in Super Bowl XXXIII in 1999 and to the New England Patriots in Super Bowl LI in 2017 the Atlanta Hawks began in 1946 as the Tri-Cities Blackhawks playing in Moline Illinois the team moved to Atlanta in 1968 they play their games in State Farm Arena the Atlanta Dream is the city's Women's National Basketball Association franchise, The Braves were mediocre as the 1960s began with an inflated win total fed by the expansion New York Mets and Houston Colt .45s to this day the Milwaukee Braves are the only major league team who played more than one season and never had a losing record, Pickens 4 References Georgia Tech and Emory University have a strong research partnership and jointly administer the Emory-Georgia Tech Predictive Health Institute They also along with Peking University administer the Wallace H Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering in 2015 Georgia Tech and Emory were awarded an $8.3 million grant by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to establish a National Exposure Assessment Laboratory in July 2015 Georgia Tech Emory and Children's Healthcare of Atlanta were awarded a four-year $1.8 million grant by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in order to expand the Atlanta Cystic Fibrosis Research and Development Program in 2015 the two universities received a five-year $2.9 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to create new bachelor's master's and doctoral degree programs and concentrations in healthcare robotics which will be the first program of its kind in the Southeastern United States. The first successful English colony was Jamestown established May 14 1607 near Chesapeake Bay the business venture was financed and coordinated by the London Virginia Company a joint stock company looking for gold Its first years were extremely difficult with very high death rates from disease and starvation wars with local Indians and little gold the colony survived and flourished by turning to tobacco as a cash crop! Image of March 1993 Storm of the Century covering the length of the east coast the outline of Georgia is discernible in the center of the image. . Railways are central to the formation of modernity and ideas of progress the process of modernization in the 19th century involved a transition from a spatially oriented world to a time oriented world Exact time was essential and everyone had to know what the time was resulting in clocks towers for railway stations clocks in public places pocket watches for railway workers and for travelers Trains left on time (they never left early) by contrast in the premodern era passenger ships left when the captain had enough passengers in the premodern era local time was set at noon when the sun was at its highest Every place east to west had a different time and that changed with the introduction of standard time zones Printed time tables were a convenience for the travelers but more elaborate time tables called train orders were even more essential for the train crews the maintenance workers the station personnel and for the repair and maintenance crews who knew when to expect a train would come along Most trackage was single track with sidings and signals to allow lower priority trains to be sidetracked Schedules told everyone what to do where to be and exactly when If bad weather disrupted the system telegraphers relayed immediate corrections and updates throughout the system Just as railways as business organizations created the standards and models for modern big business so too the railway timetable was adapted to myriad uses such as schedules for buses ferries and airplanes for radio and television programs for school schedules for factory time clocks the modern world was ruled by the clock and the timetable Model of corporate management, Atlanta Georgia business directory Rugby league. .
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