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. Britain implemented mercantilism by trying to block American trade with the French Spanish or Dutch empires using the Navigation Acts which Americans avoided as often as they could the royal officials responded to smuggling with open-ended search warrants (Writs of Assistance) in 1761 Boston lawyer James Otis argued that the writs violated the constitutional rights of the colonists He lost the case but John Adams later wrote "Then and there the child Independence was born.", Colombia (48) 42/6 59/15 Before settlement by Europeans Georgia was inhabited by the mound building cultures the British colony of Georgia was founded by James Oglethorpe on February 12 1733 the colony was administered by the Trustees for the Establishment of the Colony of Georgia in America under a charter issued by (and named for) King George II the Trustees implemented an elaborate plan for the colony's settlement known as the Oglethorpe Plan which envisioned an agrarian society of yeoman farmers and prohibited slavery the colony was invaded by the Spanish in 1742 during the War of Jenkins' Ear in 1752 after the government failed to renew subsidies that had helped support the colony the Trustees turned over control to the crown Georgia became a crown colony with a governor appointed by the king. . ; Solomon Islands (1) Lichterfelde tram 1882 Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport is the only international airport for the region (and only major international airport for the state) and as with rail travel it became the ubiquitous place through which everyone must travel at some point Atlanta's second airport is in the very preliminary discussion and study phase. 5 Logos The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) is the principal rapid transit system in the Atlanta metropolitan area Formed in 1971 as strictly a bus system MARTA operates a network of bus routes linked to a rapid transit system consisting of 48 miles (77 km) of rail track with 38 train stations MARTA operates almost exclusively in Fulton and DeKalb counties with bus service to two destinations in Cobb county and the Cumberland Transfer Center next to the Cumberland Mall and a single rail station in Clayton County at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport MARTA also operates a separate paratransit service for disabled customers as of 2009 the average total daily ridership for the system (bus and rail) was 482,500 passengers. An extinct fault line called the Brevard Fault runs roughly parallel to the Chattahoochee River but as its last movements were apparently prehistoric it is considered extinct and not a threat to the region Still minor earthquakes do rattle the area (and all of Georgia) occasionally One notable one was in April 2003 (magnitude 4.6) coming from the northwest its epicenter just across the state line in northeastern Alabama While many people slept through the 5A.M quake it caused a minor panic in others completely unaware of what was happening Similar earthquakes occur in this region called the Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone often felt much more widely across the stronger crust of eastern North America as compared to the west Thus the 1886 Charleston South Carolina earthquake was also felt in Atlanta and throughout the Southeast it caused damage as far as central Alabama and West Virginia Two small earthquakes were also felt on the southeast side near Eatonton in early April 2009 the New Madrid Seismic Zone (near the Missouri-Tennessee borders) and the seismic zone producing the 1886 magnitude 7.3 earthquake are still capable of producing moderate or major earthquakes which the entire Atlanta area will feel moderately or even strongly. Charley Radbourn Electrical Engineering 4 The Fox Theatre is a performing arts venue located in Midtown Atlanta and is the centerpiece of the Fox Theatre Historic District, 2.5 Fauna Since the 1980s there has been an increasing trend to split up railway companies with companies owning the rolling stock separated from those owning the infrastructure This is particularly true in Europe where this arrangement is required by the European Union This has allowed open access by any train operator to any portion of the European railway network in the UK the railway track is state owned with a public controlled body (Network Rail) running maintaining and developing the track while Train Operating Companies have run the trains since privatization in the 1990s.
JLewis and Associates