Comoros (4) Name Tenure Volleyball ? ? ? ? Chastain Park Table tennis ? ? ? ? 1% Main article: Government of Georgia (U.S state) Children's Museum of Atlanta! 6.3 Student clubs and activities All times are in Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4); the other Birmingham Alabama uses Central Daylight Time (UTC-5), 4 References ? All MLB rosters, Maintenance 34/1 57/14 On 5 February 1958 during a training mission flown by a B-47 a Mark 15 nuclear bomb also known as the Tybee Bomb was lost off the coast of Tybee Island near Savannah the bomb was thought by the Department of Energy to lie buried in silt at the bottom of Wassaw Sound. In 2016 Georgia had median annual income per person of between $50,000 and $59,999 which is in inflation-adjusted dollars for 2016 the US median annual income for the entire nation is $57,617 This lies within the range of Georgia's median annual income.
. British colonies in North America c.?1750 Midtown Ecodistrict. 3 Composition 67/19 92/33 2 Operations 1700 Percent 1755 Percent 1775 Percent The first class of 95 students entered Georgia Tech in 1888 and the first two graduates received their degrees in 1890 Since then the institute has greatly expanded with an enrollment of 14,558 undergraduates and 6,913 postgraduate students as of Fall 2013. 1702 270,000 Protestantism was the predominant religious affiliation in the Thirteen Colonies although there were also Catholics Jews and deists and a large fraction had no religious connection the Church of England was officially established in most of the South the Puritan movement became the Congregational church and it was the established religious affiliation in Massachusetts and Connecticut into the 18th century in practice this meant that tax revenues were allocated to church expenses the Anglican parishes in the South were under the control of local vestries and had public functions such as repair of the roads and relief of the poor. See also: List of gold mines in Georgia. The main source of income for railway companies is from ticket revenue (for passenger transport) and shipment fees for cargo Discounts and monthly passes are sometimes available for frequent travellers (e.g season ticket and rail pass) Freight revenue may be sold per container slot or for a whole train Sometimes the shipper owns the cars and only rents the haulage for passenger transport advertisement income can be significant.