In 2014 Midtown Alliance (who created the ecodistrict) decided to highlight business and buildings in Midtown that have made a significant commitment to green practices This district is heavily urbanized (buildings shops skyscraper and hotels) Midtown also serves cyclists and pedestrians with 5 miles of bike lanes the restaurants established in Midtown are recycling and composting at least 95% 50 recycling cans have been installed. The most controversial ambush campaign was undertaken by Nike Inc which had begun an advertising campaign with aggressive slogans that mocked the Games' values such as "Faster Higher Stronger Badder" "If you're not here to win you're a tourist" and "You don't win silver you lose gold." the slogans were featured on magazine ads and billboards it purchased in Atlanta Nike also opened a pop-up store known as the Nike Center near the Athletes' Village which distributed Nike-branded flags to visitors (presumably to be used at events) IOC marketing director Michael Payne expressed concern for the campaign believing that athletes could perceive them as being an insult to their accomplishments Payne and United States Olympic Committee's marketing director John Krimsky met with Howard Slusher a subordinate of Nike co-founder Phil Knight the meeting quickly turned aggressive with Payne threatening that the IOC could pull accreditation for Nike employees ban the display of its logos on equipment and organize a press conference where silver medallists from the Games as well as prominent Nike-sponsored athlete Michael Johnson (who attracted attention during the Games for wearing custom gold-colored Nike shoes) would denounce the company Faced with these threats Nike agreed to retract most of its negative advertising and PR stunts.
In the Treaty of Paris (1763) France formally ceded to Britain the eastern part of its vast North American empire having secretly given to Spain the territory of Louisiana west of the Mississippi River the previous year Before the war Britain held the thirteen American colonies most of present-day Nova Scotia and most of the Hudson Bay watershed Following the war Britain gained all French territory east of the Mississippi River including Quebec the Great Lakes and the Ohio River valley Britain also gained Spanish Florida from which it formed the colonies of East and West Florida in removing a major foreign threat to the thirteen colonies the war also largely removed the colonists' need of colonial protection. Suwanee pop 15,355 Chile (21) The humid subtropical climate zone predominantly lies in eastern Australia the coastal strip from Mackay Queensland to the southern coast of Sydney where it transitions into the cooler and wet oceanic climates. . .
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