Any railroad operating intercity passenger service could contract with the NRPC thereby joining the national system. .
Macon* Atlanta is rated as a "beta+" world city that exerts a moderate impact on global commerce finance research technology education media art and entertainment it ranks in the top twenty among world cities and 10th in the nation with a gross domestic product (GDP) of $385 billion Atlanta's economy is considered diverse with dominant sectors that include aerospace transportation logistics professional and business services media operations medical services and information technology Atlanta has topographic features that include rolling hills and dense tree coverage earning it the nickname of "the city in a forest." Revitalization of Atlanta's neighborhoods initially spurred by the 1996 Summer Olympics has intensified in the 21st century altering the city's demographics politics aesthetics and culture, Six National League Cy Young Awards in the 1990s were awarded to three Braves pitchers:, Atlanta Georgia business directory. 3.4 Religion Rank Name County Pop. Historians before the 1880s emphasized American nationalism However scholarship after that time was heavily influenced by the "Imperial school" led by Herbert L Osgood George Louis Beer Charles McLean Andrews and Lawrence H Gipson This viewpoint dominated colonial historiography into the 1940s and they emphasized and often praised the attention that London gave to all the colonies in this view there was never a threat (before the 1770s) that any colony would revolt or seek independence. Fifty-five thousand students are enrolled in 106 schools in Atlanta Public Schools some of which are operated as charter schools Atlanta is served by many private schools including without limitation Atlanta Jewish Academy Atlanta International School the Westminster Schools Pace Academy the Lovett School the Paideia School Holy Innocents' Episcopal School and Roman Catholic parochial schools operated by the Archdiocese of Atlanta.
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